إستخدام التدريس التشاركي في تنمية مهارات القراءة لدى الطالبات ذوات صعوبات التعلم وقريناتهن العاديات


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of using co- teaching on developing reading skills for students with learning disabilities and their regular peers on a sample of fourth grade students at primary school in Riyadh. The subjects for this study were (74) female students distributed into two groups (control and experimental), each group consisting of (30) regular students and (7) students with learning disability. A pre and post-test was applied to both groups to measure their achievement in the reading skills: reading accuracy, speed and comprehension. The two groups were taught (40) lessons, each session lasting (45 minutes). The traditional method was used with the control group, and the Co-teaching was used for the experimental group. The results of this study indicated the effectiveness of co-teaching in developing reading comprehension skills for all students. Especially the experimental group of students with learning disability have advanced over the control group in reading accuracy. On the other hand, the results showed improvement of the three skills for the experimental group and for those with learning disability in the post test. The study recommended encouraging teachers to use the strategy in teaching, and conducting more studies on its use with those with learning disabilities. (Published abstract)