درجة توفر مهارات التفكير التاريخي في كتاب التاريخ للصف الأول الثانوي الأدبي


The aim of the research is to reveal the degree of availability of historical thinking skills included in the content of the history book for the first literary secondary grade, in the light of a list of historical thinking skills, where the form and occurrence of these skills were monitor within the content of the book. It consisted of (5) main skills and (30) sub-skills, and the research sample included all the contents of the history book for the first class of literary secondary, entitled (Historical Issues). Reached the following results were obtained: 1) Historical thinking skills were included in the history book (Historical Issues) for the first literary secondary grade in varying proportions. The time perception skill got a percentage of (7.68%), the historical understanding skill got a percentage of (21.69%), and the historical analysis skill got a percentage of (56.43%), the skill of historical research on a percentage of (5.95 percent), and the skill of decision-making in historical cases on a percentage of (8.25%). 2) The absence of a logical and just gradation in including the skills of historical thinking in the history book for the first grade of literary secondary, as these skills did not receive the same attention in including them in the content of the book. 3) Not including some sub-skills of historical thinking in the entire book content, such as the skill of summarizing the historical event, the skill of providing suggestions and alternatives for action, and the skill of formulating questions about the historical problem or issue in question. 4) Most of the historical thinking skills that were analyzed in the book's content were implicit rather than explicit, through questions, activities, and explanations. 5) The book's content is rich in pictures, historical maps, and the lack of figures. (Published Abstract)