إستخدام الجماليات المعرفية في تدريس الفلسفة لتنمية السجايا العقلية لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية


The current research aims at identifying the effectiveness of using cognitive aesthetics in teaching philosophy to develop mental attributes among high school students. To achieve this aim, the research group was selected consisting of (30) female students at the secondary second grade at Maadi secondary school for girts at Maadi Educational Directorate, Cairo governorate and it was divided into two groups, control (15) female students and experimental (15) female students. The variables were adjusted between the two groups to achieve equivalence. The research tool represented in a scale for cognitive aesthetics was pre and post applied on the two groups of the research. After carrying out the reformulated unit in the light of cognitive aesthetics, the research tool was pre and post applied in comparison with the results of the previous pre and post application. The results showed that there is a difference with statistical significance at level 0.05 in favor of the post application of the research tool for the experimental group highlighting the effectiveness of using the cognitive aesthetics in teaching philosophy to develop the mental attributes among high school students. (Published abstract)