إستخدام استراتيجية الصف المقلوب في تدريس التاريخ على تنمية مهارات البحث التاريخي والتفكير المستقبلي لدى طلاب الصف الأول الثانوي


The present study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of using the flipped classroom strategy in teaching history for developing some of the historical research skills and the future thinking skills among secondary school student. The study sample consisted of (60) Students among the first-grade prep stage students. The study tools were a test to measure some of the historical research skills, and a test to measure some of the future thinking skills among the second-grade prep stage students. The study tools were conducted as pre-application and post application. The study findings and results showed that: 1) There was a statistically significant difference at the level of (α ≥ 0.01) among secondary stage students in the two groups on the historical research skills in favor of the experimental group; this means that the strategy was effective in developing the historical research skills among the secondary stage students. 2) There was a statistically significant difference at the level of (α ≥ 0.01) among secondary stage students in the two groups on the future thinking skills test in favor of the experimental group; this means that the strategy was effective in developing some of the future thinking skills among the secondary stage students. (Published abstract)