آراء المتدربين في التدريب عن بعد في المعهد التخصصي للتدريب المهني للمعلمين في سلطنة عمان في ظل جائحة كوفيد-19


The aim of this study is to know trainees’ perception towards online training at the specialized institute for professional training of teachers in the Sultanate of Oman in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. It also aims at identifying the challenges facing online training. To address these issues, a descriptive study of (686) male and female trainees was undertaken. During the study, data was collected using a questionnaire. The study found that the level of online training at the Specialized Institute for Professional Training of Teacher was high from the trainees’ perception. In addition, the study revealed that the positive aspects of online training include flexibility of attending training, acquiring skill in employing technology, and self-learning. The trainees pointed out a set of challenges, which they encountered during the distance training. These include slow internet connection, length of the training day and insufficient skills in using Microsoft Teams program. (Published abstract)