تطبيقات الإدارة الإلكترونية ودورها في التخفيف ضغوط العمل لدى موظفي المؤسسات الرياضية : دراسة ميدانية المدرسة الوطنية للرياضات الأولمبية بولاية سطيف


This study aimed to highlight the role of electronic management applications and the extent of their contribution to alleviating work pressures, and to identify the reality of management information systems, liquids and devices used and the modern mechanisms they have reached in the field of electronic management, and to achieve this we relied on the descriptive analytical approach using the questionnaire as a tool for the study, and on the sample of the comprehensive inventory, which amounted to (30) administrative, and the results found that electronic management applications contribute greatly to alleviating work pressures among workers of sports institutions. There is also a high degree of use of electronic hardware and software and the use of management information systems, which in turn work to relieve the work pressures of workers of sports institutions. (Published abstract)