دور رياض الأطفال في تنمية مهارتي الاستماع و التحدث : روضة محمد بوضياف بحاسي مسعود عينة

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The goal is to identify the role of kindergarten in developing the skill of listening and speaking through the following question: What is the importance of kindergarten activities listening and speaking? Answer Kindergarten Mohamed Boudiaf Hassi Messaoud. We tried to focus on the role it plays in teaching and developing the two skills for a child, so he may learn skills before entering primary education. Where the study aimed, does kindergarten have a role in preparing the child in terms of basic effective skills in communication with others by applying the descriptive approach supported by the tools of analysis and observation. One of the most important results we have reached is that kindergartens have a great role in developing my listening and speaking skills. And it contributes to the development of the child's abilities and interest in his tendencies and interests. In addition, they are accustomed to respecting others, participating and interacting with others. (Author’s abstract)