فاعلية برنامج مقترح في التربية الحركية في تنمية الإدراك الحسي حركي لدى أطفال الروضة بولاية سطيف


The current study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a proposed program in movement education in developing kinesthetic perception among kindergarten children in Setif town. The current study was conducted on three kindergartens that were deliberately chosen, and the study sample was chosen from each kindergarten in a random manner, where a sample of 40 children (4-5 years) was taken from each kindergarten (20 control groups and 20 experimental groups), the total sample for the basic study was (120) children out of 165 children, with a percentage rate of 73%. The researcher used the Dayton test for kinesthetic perception and a set of educational units that included (27) educational units that were built based on a number of kinetic games and stories. The data was processed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program, the researcher reached the following results: 1) The proposed program is effective in developing the kinesthetic perception of kindergarten children. 2) There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group members on the perceptual-motor test in the pre and post measurements in favor of the post measurement. 3) There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the control group members on the perceptual-motor test in the pre and post measurements. 4) There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group on the kinesthetic perception test and the mean scores of the control group after applying the proposed program in favor of the experimental group. (Author's abstract)