أسباب ومظاهر الصراع بين الأجيال في مؤسستي الأسرة والجامعة : دراسة ميدانية بجامعة محمد لمين دباغين، سطيف 2، الجزائر


The current study dealt with causes and manifestations of generation gap in family and university. This topic is of a great importance to researchers as it poses the problem of imbalance in social construction. It also reveals values collision between the generations of the same century. In our research, we tried to cover two educational spaces in the Algerian society. The latter have pivotal and educational role in human construction. However, these institutions are violated socially, culturally, economically and even in the domain of values. According, the objectives of the study revolved around: 1) identifying the references for conflict between generations and the justifications for its intrusion into two educational institutions (the family and the university) considering that the role assigned to them is to respect the natural and topical differences between generations and to benefit from the age equation. 2) Revealing the existing conflict between generations in Algerian society by shedding light on the nature and dimensions. 3) and future conflict in the intuitions of the family and the university. 4) Identifying manifestations of intergenerational conflict and its manifestations among the younger generation, for example in university students the older generation is represented by parents and teachers. Consistent with the research problem, a general hypothesis was formulated: The generational conflict between the adult generation, for example, parents and university professors, and the mountain of youth , represented by university students, is about difference in values intellectuals, and behaviors between them. The field study conducted on the research community that in eluded master students (22-25 years) and university professors over 55 years old in the three faculties of Setif -2 enable us to reach the following main results. All these are the result of generation gap Generation gap is between the elders who are parents, university teachers and youth. This struggle is about cultural, behavioral and value difference. The present study yielded these results: 1) Value difference between the two generations. In other words, the youth values materials whereas the elders value humanistic and social values. 2) There is a big difference between generations in thoughts due to the change in concepts, ideas, and convictions. 3) Behavioral difference between the elders and youth what makes the elders refuse the behaviors of their children 4) A false understanding of the relationship between the new generation and the old one. (Author’s abstract)