إستخدام الرحلات المعرفية (التنافسية / التشاركية) عبر الويب في تنمية مهارات تصميم الفيديو لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية


The current study aimed to study the effectiveness of using Knowledge trips (competitive/ participatory) via the web in developing video design skills for secondary school students. The sample of the study consisted of (60) female students of the first year of secondary school at the New Suez Secondary School, and divided equally into two experimental groups, the first experimental group, which studied with knowledge trips (competitive) via the web, and the second group, which studied with knowledge trips (participatory) via the web. The researcher prepared a set of tools and ensured their validity and reliability. These study tools consisted of the achievement test needed to measure the cognitive aspect of video design skills, a note card needed to measure the performance aspect of video design skills. The tools were applied before and after the two study groups. And the study results reached: 1) There are statistically significant differences at the significance level (α≤0.05) between the mean scores of the first experimental and the second experimental groups in the post-measurement of the achievement test necessary to measure the cognitive aspect of video design skills through cognitive trips in favor of the second experimental group that studied with participatory cognitive trips via the web. 2) There are statistically significant differences at the significance level (α≤0.05) between the mean scores of the first experimental and second experimental groups in the post-measurement of the observation card necessary to measure the performance aspect of video design skills through cognitive trips in favor of the second experimental group that studied with participatory cognitive trips via the, and thus the researcher recommends the use of cognitive journeys through the participatory web in teaching the computer course. (Published abstract)