دور الفصول الإلكترونية المقلوبة في تحسين فرص التعلم لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية أثناء جائحة كوفيد-19 : دراسة نوعية


The role of e-learning has emerged with the Covid-19 pandemic crisis and the social isolation it imposed reduced direct interaction and enhanced interaction via the web. Which necessitated the use of learning strategies that fit the characteristics of distance learning. The flipped electronic classroom is one of the most prominent strategies that promote learner-centered learning. The research aimed to understand how the Online flipped Classroom contributed to improving learning opportunities for students in general education. The qualitative approach was used by applying twelve semi-structured interviews that included (8 students and 4 teachers) in secondary education who had experienced online flipped classrooms during the educational process during the Covid 19 pandemic and were analyzed using the MAXQDA program. The results indicated that the application of Online Flipped Classroom has a positive role in improving learning opportunities. The results included learning opportunities for students related to four topics, namely the use of information and communication technology, interaction and performance in the Online Flipped Classroom, and educational performance and learning outcomes. In addition, I found some obstacles that impede the application of flipped electronic classrooms, including technical obstacles and its organization. These findings bring new insights into distance instructional design about online flipped classroom design. (Published abstract)