تصور مقترح لدليل مستند على أسس نفسية لإدارة الجوائح في مدارس سلطنة عمان باستخدام تحليل النشاط المرجعي


The aim of the research is to develop a proposed vision for evidence based on psychological foundations for managing pandemics in the schools of the Sultanate of Oman using the reference activity analysis. The research concluded that the psychological aspect in the management of the Corona pandemic was not extensively included in the health evidence and studies that were developed, but rather simple hints that focus most of their attention on explicit dealing with the pandemic, and therefore the research adopted the development of a proposed guide for managing pandemics on psychological grounds, as the research proved. The research aims to develop a suggested conceptualization of a psychological guide for managing pandemics on psychological bases for a sample of principals of basic education schools in the Sultanate of Oman, and the reference activity analysis was applied to it. Psychological factors and their definitions in pandemic management, with an arithmetic average of (7.02-8.77). As for the post-pandemic period, it came with an average of (7.18-7.88), and all of these averages fall within the largest level of the scale scores, which is the very high level. The research recommends that the Ministry of Education adopt the proposed guide by training all education administrators on this guide. (Published abstract)