مستوى الاستشهاد بالنصوص الشرعية في كتب التربية الإسلامية من وجهة نظر معلمي محافظة الكرك في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية


The study aimed at identifying, pinpoint the level of quoting from religious text In Islamic education books from the point of view of the teachers of Karak Governorate in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Directorate of Education Gender Qualification, Years of Experience, The researcher used the descriptive analytical method. The population of the study was (150) male and female teachers ،which resemble the population itself. The researcher developed a questionnaire in the necessary skills of active learning consisted of (31) items and the validity and reliability of the instrument were. The results showed that the general level of achievement of the curriculum developed for the pinpoint the level of quoting from religious text In Islamic education of active learning strategies from the study sample came at a high level, where the general arithmetic mean reached (3,839) from (5), and standard deviation (0,51) there were statistically significant for both genders, males and females, and were statistically significant differences at the level of (α ≤ 0.05) between teachers’ degree at the total and the domains due to their academic qualification In favor of a Postgraduate degree, although there were no. The researcher recommended Conducting studies dealing with misunderstanding in Quranic verses and hadiths and its impact on changing judgments from the point of view of students at the secondary stage. (Published abstract)