فاعلية تدريس وحدة الإنترنت وتطبيقاتها باستراتيجية رحلات الويب المعرفية في تنمية المهارات العملية وتحصيل مفاهيم الحاسب وتقنية المعلومات لدى طلاب الصف الثالث المتوسط


The research aims to identify the effectiveness of teaching the internet unit and its applications using the WebQuest Strategy in developing the practical skills and achievement of the computer and technology concepts among the third grade intermediate students, as well as the detection of the statistical differences between the average responses of the third grade intermediate students. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher used the analytical descriptive method collect information and data on the case and the experimental method with semi-experimental design, the design of the teacher guide for the sixth unit of the book of computer and information technology for the third intermediate students in the second semester, the design of students’ practical Guide for activities in the Unit of Internet and Its Applications using the WebQuest Strategy, the design of a test to measure the skills of the “Internet and its applications” module among the average third-grade students, and the design of an achievement test aimed measuring the concepts included in the unit of "the Internet and its applications" for the average third-grade students. The research reached a number of results, the most prominent are: 1) There is statistically significant difference between the average scores of the experimental and control groups in the post application of the practical skills test in the internet unit and its applications. The impact of the WebQuest strategy on the experimental group of third grade students is great. 2) There is a statistically significant difference between the average scores of the experimental and control groups in the post application of the achievement test for the concepts of the internet unit and its applications. The size of the impact of the WebQuest strategy on the experimental group of third grade students is great. The research also recommended a number of recommendations, including: 1) the design of other teaching units of the computer curriculum, and science in different grades in the intermediate stage using the WebQuest Strategy aimed at developing the achievement of the concepts and skills of the proposed unit among intermediate school students. 2) Train teachers to use the WebQuest strategy to develop the achievement of the concepts and skills of the unit proposed by their students. (Published abstract)