مدى تحقق مهارات الوعي الصوتي في مناهج اللغة العربية للصفوف الثلاثة الأولى بدولة قطر


The current study aims to investigate the extent to which phonemic awareness skills are achieved in the Arabic language curriculum for the first three grades in the State of Qatar, in order to ensure that this content is presented sufficiently, appropriately and organized in terms of quantity and quality, since phonemic awareness skills are a basic stage that must be mastered in order to enable the child to master reading skills. To achieve the goal of the study, the researcher employed the descriptive analytical method, by building a content analysis form to measure phonemic awareness skills. The form included the necessary phonemic awareness skills, distributed over the curricula of the three grades. The results of the analysis concluded that some phonemic awareness skills were well achieved, but a number of them had some drawbacks in terms of their relative weight in the curriculum, in terms of their presentation, or both. Accordingly, the study ended with several recommendations, the most important of which is to reconsider the distribution of phonemic awareness skills within the specific curricula in light of the findings of the current study. Additionally, it is necessary to subject the first-stage students to periodic standard tests, to determine whether there is a phonological defect that the students suffer from, to identify the source of this defect, if any, and then providing appropriate intervention programs based on the results of these tests. (Author's abstract)