مدى تحقق مبدأ تكافؤ الفرص التعليمية في التعليم العالي بالسودان : دراسة ميدانية على مؤسسات التعليم العالي بولاية الخرطوم


The study aims to assessing the actual extent of realization of equal opportunity principle in Sudanese higher education institutions, determining the impact of higher education on admission policies on realization of equal opportunity principle, identifying important socio-economic factors impacting on realization of equal-opportunity principle, identifying challenges facing higher-education and determining their impact on realization of equal opportunity principle and assessing the effects of exceptions granted to some social categories and least developed geographical areas on realization of equal-opportunity principle. The study is conducted based on the descriptive/ analytical methodology as well as the questionnaire as a measuring tool. The study's society is composed of teaching staff members, (196) and students (884) at three selected universities: University of Khartoum (Faculties of Medicine, Nursing, Law and Education); Omdurman Islamic University (Faculties of Engineering, Pharmacy, Information and Fundamentals of Religion); Omdurman Ahlia University (Faculties of Economics and Administrative Sciences and Medical Laboratories). The study used SPSS program and K-square Test for analyzing answers of respondents of the random sample. The most important finding thus reached is that the equal – opportunity principle in higher education has been influenced by both positive and negative changes following the huge expansion in higher education. Furthermore, it is evident that bridging the gap between the numbers of those who are qualified for higher education and those who are admitted (given the opportunity) represents a formidable challenge to higher education policy makers in so far as equal opportunities to higher education and their fair distribution constitute the main link in the process of promoting higher education in the Sudan. The study concludes by putting forward some recommendations, two important of which are: Emphasizing academic excellence as the basis for joining higher education institutions and the necessity of formulating a strategy that emphasizes equal opportunity principle, giving due consideration for relevant socio-economic factors. (Author's abstract)