فاعلية نموذج سوم (swom) في تنمية مهارات التفكير البصري ومتعة تعلم الرياضيات لدى تلاميذ الصف السادس الإبتدائي


This research aimed at measuring the effectiveness of SWOM model in developing visual thinking and fun learning of mathematics for the pupils of six grade of primary stage. For achieving this, a list of needed visual thinking skills is limited and the tools of experimental measuring is prepared. It consisted of student book, a teacher guide which are prepared in the light of SWOM model. Also, the measuring tools consisted of visual thinking test, fun learning scale which are prepared. The research experimentation is conducted on a sample of six grade pupils. The research revealed the effectiveness of SWOM model in developing visual thinking and fun learning of mathematics for the research sample. (Published abstract)