درجة تضمين منهاج رياض الأطفال التطوري في الأردن للمهارات الحياتية : دراسة تحليلية


This study aimed to know the degree to which the developmental kindergarten curriculum in Jordan includes life skills for the academic year 2020, in which the descriptive analytical approach was used. )7) Domains: self-esteem skill, social skills, interpersonal skills, communication skills, skills dealing with feelings, learning skills, and citizenship skills. The results indicated that the total number of life skills reached (541) recurrences, and that learning skills ranked first with a total of (139) recurrences, and with a percentage (26%), followed by personal skills in the second place with a total of 129 and a percentage (24). And in the third place were citizenship skills with a total of (97) recurrences and a percentage (18%), and in the fourth place came social skills, and the total of its repetitions (66) and with a percentage (12%) and in the fifth place came the skills of dealing with feelings with a total of (41) recurrences At a percentage (8%), and in the sixth place came the skill of self-esteem and its total repetitions (40) and a percentage (7%), and in the seventh rank was communication skills and its total repetitions (29) and a percentage (5%). In light of the results, the study recommended the need to increase Inclusion of life skills in the developmental curriculum for kindergarten, specifically self-esteem and communication skills. (Author’s abstract)