درجة اشراكية الطالب في كتب العلوم المقررة للصفوف الأساسية الدنيا في الأردن


This study aimed to identify the degree of student involvement in science books for the lower basic grades in Jordan. The descriptive survey method was used, and the researcher developed the study tool (content analysis tool) to determine the degree of involvement of the book for the student in presenting the scientific material, drawings, shapes and activities in a Romys formula, and one-way analysis of variance was used. (ANOVA) to detect the differences in the degree of involvement of science books for students according to the academic grade, and its validity and stability were confirmed. Except for the first-grade book, the first part, the coefficient of participation was (0.35), which is not acceptable according to the extent set by Romy. As for the drawings, pictures, shapes and activities, it showed a decrease in the student's participation. The results also indicated that there were no statistically significant differences at the significance level (α = 0.05) in different grades in: presentation of the scientific material, drawings, pictures, shapes, and activities. In light of the results of the study, the researcher recommended a number of recommendations, including Enriching science books for the lower basic grades with activities that provoke all kinds of thinking. (Author’s abstract)