الخصائص السلوكية عند الطلبة الموهوبين في العراق وعلاقتها بالتحصيل الرياضي لدى طلبة الصف السادس الإبتدائي


The current research aims to determine the behavioral characteristics of sixth grade students in the gifted schools in Iraq, Determine the type of relationship between gifted students who possess behavioral characteristics and their mathematical achievement, Since the researcher is a teacher in one of the schools of the distinguished and interested in following the admission processes to the schools of the gifted students; Therefore, she decided to contribute to building a scale of behavioral characteristics according to the theory of successful intelligence of the American scientist (Robert Sternberg) and then finds the relationship between behavioral characteristics and mathematical achievement. Detecting gifted students and identifying their behavioral inputs is the initial basis for determining their educational requirements and achieving the principle of equal opportunities in its objective sense, which states that each student is given what suits them , investing effort, time and money by developing the skills of talented students instead of letting them fade and wasted in light of the existing educational system , which is positively reflected on the students’ achievement of the academic stage in a period less than what is specified for them. The researcher developed a number of hypotheses, the results of which were that there is a statistically significant difference in favor of the members of the research sample, positive and acceptable for the behavioral characteristics scale. There is no differentiation in the behavioral characteristics scale with respect to the sex variable, The reason may be due to the nature of gifted students in their behavioral characteristics and the nature of the environmental community, as there is no correlation between the behavioral characteristics of gifted students and their mathematical achievement. The researcher recommends the adoption of the behavioral characteristics scale in discovering talented students in Iraqi schools and determining their creative, practical and analytical abilities. (Published abstract)