فاعلية برنامج إرشادي سلوكي لخفض صعوبات القراءة لدى عينة من طالبات الصف الخامس الأساسي بمدينة ذمار


This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a counseling program to reduce the difficulty of reading among the sample members of the experimental group. The study sample consisted of (34) female students from the fifth grade at Al Wahda school for Basic Education in Dhamar city. The multiple scale of reading diagnosis which consisted of (40) phrases was used to test the students’ reading difficulties, and the collective indicative program prepared by the researchers was used to collect data. The quasi-experimental method was adopted by designing one experimental group. The study results showed external differences between the three applications of the scale: pre, post and follow-up, but there were statistically significant differences between pre and post application in favor of the post application. There were also differences between the pre and follow-up application in favor of the follow-up application; and there were differences between post and follow-up application in favor of the follow-up application. (Published abstract)