المشكلات التي تعوق معلمي مدارس مرحلة الأساس في تحقيق الأهداف التعليمية بجمهورية تشاد : مدينة أبشي أنموذجا من وجهة نظر المعلمين في الفترة ما بين (2021-2020)

The research conducted in Abeshi town in 2021 with an objective to know the problems which encounter the teachers of basic school in fulfillment of educational goals in Chadian schools from the viewpoint of basic level teachers in the period between 2020-2021. The researcher followed the descriptive approach to describe the reality of problems that hinder the objectives of educational achievement in basic schools. The random sample selected was 100 male and 50 female teachers, the questionnaire utilized for primary data collection and the secondary information gathered from references and relevant resources, the data analyzed through percentages via SPSS programme. The most important results of this study are as following: 1) There are problems related to pupils that hinder the teachers, achievement of educational objectives due to teachers’ viewpoint. 2) There are problems related to environment that cause the lack of achieving educational objectives as from the teachers, viewpoint. 3) Existence of hinders related to community led to non-achievement of educational objectives due to viewpoint of teachers. Recommendations: 1)For ministry of education to reinforce training activities in the field of classroom management. 2) To training administration reactivation of training courses for teachers to master their specialization in teaching and aids. 3) To curricula management reformation of curriculum on bases that suits the objectives of the basic schools. 4) Who are in charge of education to urge for providing school environment needs and potentiality. 5) Its improvement reactivates the role of parents’ council in fulfilling educational objectives. (Published abstract)