التوافق النفسي وعلاقته بالتفوق الأكاديمي لدى طلاب جامعة الملك فيصل بتشاد : دراسة تطبيقية على طلاب كلية الشارقة للعلوم التربوية

This study aimed to identify the psychological adjustment among students of King Faisal University of Chad and its relationship to academic excellence. The researcher followed the descriptive approach for its relevance to the nature of the study. He prepared a questionnaire as a tool for collecting information. He also benefited from a number of measurements and questionnaires in previous studies in the field. The study sample consisted of 300 male and female students who were randomly selected from university students from different departments and levels of study at Sharjah College of Educational Sciences. This sample represents (13%) of the total population which includes the total number of (2281) college students. The researcher used SPSS program to analyze the data to verify the hypotheses of the study and come up with results. He used a number of statistical treatments such as frequencies graphs t-tests for one sample t-test for two independent samples. The researcher found a number of results the most important of which is that psychological adjustment is available to students of the Sharjah College of Educational Sciences at King Faisal University of Chad at a high level. And there were no statistically significant differences in the level of psychological adjustment among students due to the student's gender variable (male female). There is also a statistically significant relationship between psychological and academic excellence among students. Based on the findings the researcher recommends; allocating a department for counseling and guidance at the university to provide psychological and social support to students. The inclusion of a number of subjects that serve the field of motivation for achievement excellence and innovation as requirements to be taught alongside the basic subjects of all faculties and specializations work to establish cultural and social programs such as caravans cultural health and social activities at the university to play its role towards Chadian society and the country in general. (Published abstract)