أثر اختلاف استراتيجية التلعيب gamification (الفردي/ التشاركي) والأساليب المعرفيّة (المعتمد/ المستقل) على تنمية الفهم العميق والاتِّجاه نحو مادة الفيزياء


The present research aims to study impact of difference in Gamification strategy (individual/collective Gamification) and Cognitive methods (dependent/ independent) on developing of deep understanding and the approach towards physics. Thus, the researcher has tended to convert a unit of physics curriculum to be presented to the students through Gamification strategy in two different methods (individual/collective). To reach this goal, the researcher has chosen the sample students, which ranged (60 students) from 9th grade. They were divided into four experimental groups, applying the semi-experimental approach. The researcher has carried out the targeted experimental handling with experimental design through more than one experimental group according to the variables of the research. This experiment was applied, and the study concluded that the individuals with the independent style, upon presenting the Gamification strategy, got better scores, compared with independent students, in the cognitive test; measuring the deep understanding of physics concepts. The Gamification strategy has been presented to independent students in collective method. This study also concluded that, upon presenting Gamification strategy in the collective style, students got better scores in the cognitive test measuring the deep understanding of the physics concepts compared with the individual students, whom the gamification strategy has been presented in its individual method. The findings showed that there is no significant statistical difference in measuring of attitude between the experimental groups towards the physics curriculum. The study findings highlighted the importance of consideration of availing the cognitive methods upon designing and developing the e- content of the Applied Sciences. (Author’s abstract)