تعزيز الثقة التنظيمية لدى أعضاء هيئة التدريس، مدخل لإدارة الصراع بالمؤسسات الجامعية : جامعة دمياط نموذجا للتطبيق


The aim of the current research is to present a suggested framework for enhancing organizational trust among teaching staff members for conflict management at Damietta University, by identifying a theoretical and conceptual framework on organizational trust in university institutions and conflict management, with standing on the reality of both organizational trust and conflict management at Damietta University. The research used the descriptive method to collecting and interpreting information with the help of the questionnaire as a research tool that was applied to a sample of (110) members of the faculty at Damietta University. The research concluded that organizational trust is present at a medium degree among university faculty members, as trust in the university administration came first, followed by trust in the direct head and finally trust in colleagues, and the university administration uses various methods to manage conflict, but with medium degrees. The research recommended that: 1) Building positive organizational values ​​that emphasize fairness and equality, participation and concern for the essence of work, and respect for others. 2) Attention to building trust among faculty members by encouraging friendships, forming or building work teams, paying attention to informal meetings, encouraging social and cultural activities, and ensuring participation in events and holidays. 3) Helping faculty members to face their problems, accept their complaints and grievances, pay attention to their contributions and be proud of their achievements. (Published abstract)