فاعلية النظام الذكي لمعالجة المعرفة risk في تنمية مهارات التفكير الناقد لدى طلاب شعب التعليم الصناعي بكلية التربية، جامعة حلوان، من خلال مقرر تاريخ الفن


The aim of the current research is to use the smart system for processing knowledge RISK to develop critical thinking skills among students of the industrial education people at the Faculty of Education, Helwan University through teaching the art history course, and the research sample consisted of two experimental groups (35) students and a control group (35) of students of the industrial sciences people To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher prepared research materials and tools, then implemented the application procedures beforehand, then taught the experimental group using the smart system for processing knowledge RISK, and taught the control group in the traditional way by a colleague, then the application procedures were done later, and statistical treatment of the research tools was performed, and it showed the results of the research, the effectiveness of the smart system for processing knowledge RISK in developing critical thinking skills among students of the Industrial Education Division at the Faculty of Education, Helwan University, through the teaching of the Art History course. (Published abstract)