الدور الأخلاقي الإنساني للمشرفين على الرسائل العلمية بجامعة الأزهر تجاه طلابهم في ضوء الفكر التربوي الإسلامي وعلاقته بدافعيتهم للإنجاز البحثي


This study aimed to identify the ethical and human role of theses supervisors at Al-Azhar University towards their students in the light of Islamic educational thought, and to study the relationship between the extent to which this role is played and research achievement motivation among the study sample researchers. This study used the correlative descriptive approach through applying a questionnaire for the moral and human role of supervisors, and a measure of research motivation achievement among researchers (both tools were prepared by the researchers). The sample consisted of (229) researchers in the master's and doctoral stages from faculties of education, science and Islamic studies at Al-Azhar University, with a total of (136) males and (93) females were randomly selected in the months of September and October, 2021. This study revealed a set of results, the most important of which are: there is a direct statistically significant relationship at the level (0,05 ≥α) between the performance of theses supervisors at Al-Azhar University for their ethical and humanitarian role towards researchers (total score-dimensions) and research achievement motivation for (total score-Dimensions) among the researchers. There is a positive impact on the performance of theses supervisors at AlAzhar University for their ethical and humanitarian role towards researchers on the research achievement motivation of the researchers in the study sample. This study recommends increasing the supervisors' attention to the ethical and human aspect of their relationship with their students, and including supervisory roles within the training packages in quality assurance units inside colleges. (Published abstract)