تمثلات المدرّسين المغاربة حول مكانة الموارد الجمالية في درس الفلسفة : بحث ميداني في سوسيولوجيا التربية


This scientific paper belongs to the field of sociology of education, and through it we aim to evaluate the presence of aesthetic and artistic resources in the practices of teachers of philosophy in the qualifying secondary school in Morocco, in order to consider whether the theoretical and reference frameworks in the subject of philosophy are applicable in educational classrooms or not. These theoretical frameworks present in the Ministerial Directive Book for Philosophy indicates the importance of invoking aesthetic resources as pedagogical supports in the teaching process. For this purpose, we have We have adopted a quantitative methodology based on the questionnaire as a tool for questioning the Teachers, those who the subject of research is, and on statistical analysis as a tool for building conclusions. As for the results, our research concludes that the presence of aesthetic and artistic resources is limited In the classrooms of philosophy teachers, and this is due to logistical obstacles such as the absence of the Interactive whiteboard or the absence of the projector… and to negative representations of large segments of teachers towards arts and aesthetics, as Many respondents consider that aesthetic resources cause philosophy lessons to be trite, not serious and shallow. (Published abstract)