فاعلية برنامج تدريبي في ضوء المؤشرات التمييزية لدراسة التقويم الوطني في تحسين الممارسات التعليمية لدى معلمي رياضيات الصف التاسع بغزة


This study aimed at identifying the effectiveness of a training program in the light of the discriminatory indicators of the study of the national calendar in improving educational practices among ninth grade mathematics teachers. The sample consisted of (10) teachers, who are the 9th grade math teachers in the directorate of education in the central governorate. The researchers used an observation card to measure the educational practices of mathematics teachers, which consisted of two main domains: effective thinking through mathematics, and project-based learning. The study revealed that the training program is effective in improving educational practices among ninth grade math teachers. In the light of the results, the researchers recommended implementing the proposed training program within the professional development programs for mathematics teachers in order to improve their teaching practices. (Published abstract)