فاعلية مقرر البحث العلمي في تنمية مهارات الوعي المعلوماتي الرقمي لدى طلبة العلوم الصحية بمحافظة المحويت


The study aimed to reveal the effectiveness of the scientific research course in developing the skills of digital information awareness among students of health sciences in Al-Mahwit Governorate. The course was taught to health sciences students at the third level in the departments (doctor assistant - dental assistant - midwifery - and pharmacy) and their number reached (151) students, and the results of the study revealed that there are statistically significant differences between the pre and post application of the digital information awareness scale in favor of the application The dimension, and that the impact of the scientific research course on the development of digital information awareness was to a large extent. (Published abstract)