تصور مقترح لتطوير منهج علم الاجتماع في ضوء رؤية مصر للتنمية المستدامة 2030 وأثره على تنمية الوعي الإقتصادي وقيم المواطنة الرقمية لدى طلاب الصف الثاني الثانوي


The research aimed at preparing a proposed vision for developing the sociology curriculum in the light of Egypt’s vision for sustainable development 2030 and its impact on developing second year secondary students’ economic awareness and the values of digital citizenship. The descriptive method was used to present the theoretical framework and build the tools, while the experimental one was utilized in the implementation of the study experiment. The research presented a proposed vision of the sociology curriculum for the second-year secondary students in light of Egypt's vision 2030, including the bases, objectives, content, teaching strategies, teaching aids, learning resources, educational activities, and evaluation methods. Two units of the proposed curriculum were implemented on a sample of 21 female second year secondary students. The results showed that the proposed curriculum has a significant impact on the development of economic awareness dimensions and the values of digital citizenship among second year secondary students. (Published abstract)