الجانب السلبي للحساسية الإنفعالية ونقد الذات في ضوء المتغيرات الديموجرافية لدى الطلاب الملتحقين بمدارس stem


Present research aims to identify the relationship between Negative emotional sensitivity and negative self-criticism for STEM students and to Know the differences in Negative emotional sensitivity and negative self- criticism according to academic level (first level & second level), gender (male & female) and residence (rural & urban). The research sample consisted of 233 male and female students aged between 14-17 years with an average of (15.57) and standard deviation (0.673). All participants performed on the negative emotional sensitivity and negative self-criticism scales (Prepared by The Researcher). The results showed a positive relationship between negative emotional sensitivity and negative self-criticism. Also, there were statistically significant differences due to gender in favor of Female in both the total Score of emotional sensitivity, the intensity of emotions, moral sensitivity factors and both the total Score of negative self-criticisms and feeling of guilt factor but there were no differences in feeling of inferiority. And there were no statistically significant differences due to academic level and residence variables of in each of the two main variables of the research. (Published abstract)