سعة الذاكرة العاملة والمرونة المعرفية والفهم القرائي لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الإعدادية : دراسة في إطار متغيرات النموذج المعرفي المعلوماتي لأبي حطب


The present research comes within the framework of the informational- cognitive model of Abu Hatab, in an attempt to identify the degree of cognitive flexibility, working memory capacity, and reading comprehension according to the level of information and it presentation way, and also to predict the degrees of reading comprehension estimated with different informational levels which are presented in two ways: adaptive presentation and automatic presentation through each of the working memory and cognitive flexibility. The final sample included (360) male and female second year middle school students. from five schools at Benha Educational Administration, Qalubua Governorate, With a mean age (13.69) years and a standard deviation (2.19). The researcher designed: a set of tasks to identify the storage capacity of working memory, a set of tasks to identify the degree of cognitive flexibility and a test to measure reading comprehension. The findings indicated that the level of information and the way it is presented through played a significant role on wording memory capacity, cognitive flexibility and reading comprehension. The results also revealed the each of the working memory capacity, the cognitive flexibility and the nature, of both positive and negative influences of them had a significant contribution on the degrees of reading comprehension. The research also presented a set of recommendations and research proposals for those on charge of the educational process, parents, researchers in the fields of psychological measurement and educational evaluation. (Published abstract)