تأثير انفعال الخوف على أداء الذاكرة العاملة لدى الطفل


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of fear on working memory performance in 9 years old children. The participants were divided into two equal groups in number and sex, each of which included 34 children. Hence, in order to evaluate working memory performance, we used the forward digit span test to assess the performance of the phonological loop, the Corsi Blocks test to measure the performance of the Visuospatial sketchpad, and the Backward Digit Span test to evaluate the performance of the Central executive. We compared the working memory performance between the Experimental group, whose members were exposed to a frightening stimulus, and a control one, whose members were exposed to a neutral stimulus, using the descriptive comparative method that include average values, standard deviations as well as T-test values for the two groups. The results showed that there were differences in performance before and after displaying the fear stimulus compared to the presentation of the neutral stimulus, but did not reach statistical significance. So, the data of this study demonstrate the effect of fear emotion on working memory components. (Published abstract)