كفايات قيادة التغيير اللازمة لمديري مدارس محافظة شمال الشرقية بسلطنة عمان في ضوء النموذج السلوفيني (slovenian model)‎


The present study aimed to identify The necessary change leadership competencies for school principals in North Al Sharqiyah Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman in light of the Slovenian model , study used a descriptive method, also used the questionnaire to collect data and information were applied to a sample of (72) principals. The results of the study concluded that the competencies of leadership change necessary for school principals in North Al Sharqiah Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman in the light of the Slovenian Model came to a high degree overall, and also came to a high degree in all areas: cognitive competencies, functional competencies, personal and social competencies; The results also revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample members at the level (α ≤ 0.05) due to the variable years of experience, but these differences were found in the gender variable in favor of females, and the scientific qualification and in favor of the bachelor's holders. (Published abstract)