علاقة تقدير الذات بدافعية الإنجاز في حصة التربية البدنية والرياضية لدى تلاميذ مرحلة التعليم الثانوي


This study aims to search for the correlation between mathematical self-esteem and achievement motivation in a sample of secondary school students, and the number of the sample members reached (100) male and female students, so that, for the purposes of the study, two tools were applied: the self-esteem scale, and the achievement motivation scale, so that Subjected to the necessary conditions of honesty and stability, we reached the following results: 1) There is a correlation between sports self-esteem and sports achievement motivation in the physical education and sports class in the secondary stage. 2) There are statistically significant differences in sports achievement motivation due to the gender variable. (Published abstract)