مظاهر الإغتراب لدى بعض طلاب كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة بجامعة مصراتة تبعا لمتغيري الإقامة والتخصص


The study aimed to identify the manifestations of alienation among students (Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Misurata) by using the analytical approach according to the scale of alienation. In terms of the weighted average, they all obtained an "average" estimate according to the table of percentages adopted in the study, and the presence of significant differences at the level of (0.05) in the manifestations of alienation according to the type of specialization and in favor of the teaching department and with the lowest degree of alienation There were significant differences at the same level in the manifestations of alienation according to the residency reference. (Published abstract)