محددات الفكر المقاولاتي لدى طلبة علوم الرياضة : دراسة ميدانية على ثمانية معاهد باستخدام التحليلي العاملي الإستكشافي


The study aimed to identify the determinants of entrepreneurial thought among students of sport sciences, and for this purpose a questionnaire was distributed to a sample consisting of 354 students distributed over eight different institutes, and the exploratory factor analysis was used, by the method of high probability using the diagonal rotation in the process of analyzing the results and it has been reached to extract 8 different factors that represent the most important determinants of entrepreneurial thought in the study sample, and these factors were named based on the most important theoretical literature that discussed entrepreneurial thought such as the theory of planned behavior, the entrepreneurial event model, as well as some studies that dealt with entrepreneurship. (Published abstract)