فاعلية برنامج قائم على نظرية تجهيز المعلومات في تنمية الأداء التدريسي المنمي للتفكير للطالبة المعلمة بكلية التربية للطفولة المبكرة


The effectiveness of a program based on the theory of information processing in the development of the performance of the curriculum to reflect for the student- teacher at the Faculty of Education for Early Childhood The research aims to develop the performance of the curricular performance of the parameter teacher at the Early Children's Faculty by preparing a program based on the theory of information processing. The research sample of (60) students at the Faculty of Education for the Early Childhood has been divided by the third band and has been divided as follows: The experimental group of 30) Student, and the control group of (30) students and the experimental curriculum have been used. The experimental curriculum has been used, and identifies the research tools in the list of performing performance skills for appropriate for the parameter of the parameter (preparation of the researcher), and the Card Note the performance of the curriculum to reflect for the teacher's teacher For Early Childhood (Preparation of the Researcher), and a program based on the theory of information processing in the development of the curriculum performance of the parameter teacher at the Early Children's Faculty (Preparation of the Researcher). The results have resulted in the use of the program based on the theory of information processing had a positive impact on the development of amidic to think of the parameter teacher at the Faculty of Education for Early Childhood. (Published abstract)