فاعلية بيئة تعلم إلكتروني قائمة على نمط التحفيز في علاج اضطرابات النطق لدى تلاميذ الحلقة الأولى من التعليم الابتدائي بمملكة البحرين


The aim of this research is to measure the effectiveness of the patterns of Gamification in an electronic learning environment in treating speech disorders in the first cycle of primary education in the Kingdom of Bahrain, They were randomly divided into two experimental groups, where the first experimental group studied the style of digital game stimuli (badges), while the second training group studied the style of digital game stimuli (leaderboard), the research tools included the initial data form (prepared by the researcher) and the man's drawing test to measure intelligence Goodenough Harris, by (Fouad Abu Hatab et al., 1997) Then, the Bahraini family’s socio-economic and cultural level questionnaire (prepared by the researcher), the speech disorders scale (prepared by the researcher), the e-learning environment based on digital game stimuli (prepared by the researcher). The results of the research revealed that there are differences Statistically significant between the mean scores of the children of the two experimental groups for digital game stimuli (badges - leaderboard) in the pre and post measurements. There are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the children of the two experimental groups for digital game stimuli (badges - leaderboard) in the post and tracking measures, as well as the absence of statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the children of the first experimental group (The pattern of digital game stimuli, the badges (and the average scores of the children of the second group). The pattern of digital game stimuli (leaderboard) in the dimensional measurement on the speech disorders scale is due to the effect of the style of digital game stimuli (badges – leaderboard). (Published abstract)