مستوى رضا أولياء أمور طلاب صعوبات التعلم نحو التعلم عن بعد في ظل انتشار جائحة فيروس كورونا بدولة الكويت


The study aimed at identifying the level of satisfaction of parents of students with learning difficulties with the use of the distance learning system in the State of Kuwait. The sample consisted of ninety-five (95) parents of students with learning difficulties, to whom a questionnaire was applied to collect data. The questionnaire consisted of three main axes: parents' satisfaction with the school administration, their satisfaction with the educational platform that is used in teaching, and their satisfaction with the effectiveness of distance learning. The descriptive method was used. The results of the research showed that the level of satisfaction of parents of students with learning difficulties about distance learning in light of the Corona pandemic in the State of Kuwait was generally high. The results also showed that most of them are satisfied with the school administration and their preparations for using the distance learning system in teaching their children to a moderate degree. The results of the study also showed that parents of students with learning difficulties are satisfied with the use of educational platforms used in distance learning to a high degree. The study also found that parents of students with learning difficulties are satisfied with the effectiveness of the distance learning system to a moderate degree. Finally, the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between parents' satisfaction on the three axes. (Published abstract)