أثر البيانات الضخمة وبعض متغيراتها على اتخاذ القرارات خلال فترة انتشار جائحة كوفيد – 19 من وجهة نظر طلبة كلية التربية الأساسية بدولة الكويت


This study aimed to understand the extent to which the big data usage can influence on people’s decision making by developing a research model including a group of factors, such as data literacy, big data usage, and data-tasks fit, in order to understand their impacts in the processes of decision making during the spread of the pandemic COVID-19. The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach in the data analysis that was collected from a sample consisted of 254 male and female students that are registered in the program of library and information science at the College of Basic Education in the State of Kuwait. A questionnaire contains rigorous scales. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was employed by using AMOS 25 to validate research scales and to test research hypotheses and research model. The results indicate that data literacy is associated with big data usage and decision making. The results further reveal the influence of big data usage on decision making only through data-task fit because of the insignificant influence of big data usage on decision making directly. (Published abstract)