مستوى الوعي بأبعاد المواطنة الرقمية لدى معلمات اللغة العربية ومشرفاتها التربويات بمدينة الرياض

This study aims to uncover some of the dimensions of digital citizenship awareness among middle and high school teachers of Arabic language and their educational supervisors in Riyadh and test any statistical significance of three variables: qualification, type of job and educational stage been taught (middle or high school). To validate the hypotheses of this research and answer its questions, the researcher used the descriptive survey method and designed a questionnaire that included some of the dimensions of digital citizenship and its indicators such as digital communication, digital etiquette and digital security. The study was conducted during the second semester of the school year 1439- 1440 Hijri. The study sample consisted of 158 middle school teachers of Arabic language, 150 High school teachers of Arabic language and 47 educational supervisors. The results of the study show that the average level of digital citizenship awareness among teachers of middle and high schools and supervisors was fairly high. The study also shows that there is no effect regarding the variable of the educational stage in the case of teachers and supervisors, whereas the variables of qualification and type of job affected the level of awareness of digital citizenship. (Published abstract)