فاعلية استخدام تطبيق نان وليلي التعليمي على الجهاز اللوحي (ipad) في تعليم كتابة الحروف الهجائية للتلاميذ ذوي صعوبات التعلم

The current study aimed to identify the level of effectiveness of the application of NAN and LILI learning on the tablet in teaching the writing of alphabets for students with learning disabilities in the elementary level. The study followed the experimental approach through single subject designs using the design of (A-B-A). The study sample consisted of (5) students with learning disabilities enrolled in the resource room program at Ibn-Hibban Elementary School in Riyadh city. They ranged in age from (8-10) years. They were taught to write alphabets using a NAN and LILI application via the tablet. The study found that there is a positive functional relationship between teaching using NAN and LILI learning, and acquiring the skills of writing alphabets for students with learning disabilities. All students achieved high levels of proficiency in the intervention and withdrawal levels. (Published abstract)