بناء وتقنين بطارية اختبار للقدرات البدنية والحركية موحدة لقبول الطلبة بمعاهد علوم وتقنيات النشاطات البدنية والرياضية في الجزائر : دراسة ميدانية على مستوى معهد سوق أهراس

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The purpose of the current study is to construct and rationing a test battery for the physical and motor abilities of male and female students at the institutes of science and techniques of Physical and sports activities in Algeria, The researcher have used the descriptive approach because of its relevance to the nature of the study, the study sample consisted of (190) students male and female, including (25) female students and (130) male students of the first year of the academic year (2016/2017) and 35 female students of the first year of the academic year (2017/2018), During this study some physical and motor abilities (Cardiorespiratory endurance, Agility, speed, coordination, muscle strength) were measured. After the researcher subjected the data to statistical analysis using the statistical package spss using the following statistical treatments: arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentage, factor analysis , the percentile scores, correlated Pearson coefficient and the torsion coefficient reached the construction of a male battery comprising three tests: (a test(4× 10m) Shuttle Run, running test 800 m distance, Pull Ups Test), A female test battery with three tests was also extracted (running test 1600 m distance, a test(4× 10m) Shuttle Run, Cable Jump Test), Standard levels for both batteries were also built and recommended that the batteries extracted in this study should be used in all the institutes of science and techniques of Physical and sports activities, and using its standard tables when selecting the next students to join the institutes of science and techniques of Physical and sports activities in Algeria. (Author’s abstract)