دور الإعلام الرياضي في نشر الثقافة الرياضية : دراسة ميدانية على طلبة قسم الإعلام والإتصال جامعة المسيلة

The problem of the study: What is the role of sports media in spreading sports culture among students of media and sports communication? The aim of the study: To know the role of sports media in spreading sports culture among students of media and sports communication. Study population: Students of the Department of Media and Sports Communication at the University of Messila. The method used in the study: The descriptive approach. Tools used in the study: Comparing the hypotheses of the current study with previous studies. Results: 1) Those working in the sports media field should pay great attention to the educational sporting direction because it is the basis of the individual's athletic awareness, and it also contributes to building a conscious personality and directs the individual’s life towards beneficial goals. 2) Searching for a thorough analysis of the content of the sports programs of the media outlets of the Algerian satellite channels. 3) Taining specialists in sports media and diversifying sports programs. 4) Pay more attention to sports and sports activities for the child. 5) Paying attention to sports for the disabled, physical rehabilitation programs and curative health instead of publishing sports news and commentaries. Suggestions: Workers in the field of sports media should pay great attention to the educational sports direction because it is the basis of the individual's athletic awareness, as it contributes to building a conscious personality and directs the individual’s life towards beneficial goals. Researching a thorough analysis of the content of the sports programs of the media outlets of the Algerian satellite channels. (Author’s abstract)