درجة توظيف استراتيجيات التقويم الحقيقي وأدواته في منهج الكفايات من وجهة نظر معلمي اللغة العربية ومعلماتها بدولة الكويت


This study aimed to investigate the degree of employing authentic assessment strategies and tools by teachers of Arabic language within the competency curriculum at Kuwait, according to certain variables: gender, and years of experience. The sample consisted of all male and female teachers who teach Arabic in accordance with the competency curriculum for the primary and middle levels in Jahra, for the academic year of 2018-2019. A descriptive research approach was adopted to measure the degree of employment of the authentic assessment and tools. The study also employed a qualitative approach method and involved the use of interviews and surveys to collect the relevant data. Findings of the study revealed that the pen and paper (written test) strategy has scored the first rank in terms of the degree of employment, while the evaluation strategy based on self-review ranked last. The results also revealed that there were statistically significant differences on certain items of the rating scale in the degree of employment of the authentic assessment tools and strategies at (α ≤ 0.05) attributed to the variables: years of teaching experience in favor of the group (1-5) years of experience, while there was no statistically significant differences attributed to the variable of gender. Recommendations were offered in the light of the findings of the study. (Published abstract)