إستخدام الطالب الجامعي للكتاب الإلكتروني والإشباعات المحققة منه : دراسة مسحية على عينة من طلبة الإعلام والإتصال بجامعة المسيلة


This study was mainly aimed at identifying the impressions obtained from the University of Mesila, a questionnaire was used, and after the experiment, l distributed it to Maysila (60 students), where they were divided into axes, where the first axis included the patterns of use of information and communication students to the electronic book the second axis includes the motives of the use of information and communication students to the electronic book. The second axis we touched on rumors of the use of the book for the electronic, the latter reached a set of results as a picture reflecting the study of the mythological, theoretical and practical aspects, most notably that the students extract the electronic book Bin Hayyan, and they use it to obtain various information, especially lessons and lectures through it of his needs but not enough for Lim. (Author’s abstract)