مدى تحقيق مشروع تحدي القراءة لأهدافه لدى طلبة وكالة الغوث الدولية في فلسطين : دراسة تقييمية


The study aimed to explore the degree to which the Reading Challenge project has achieved its objectives in the UNRWA East Gaza Educational Area. In addition, to identify the differences in the degree to which the reading challenge project achieved its objectives among students according to the two variables (gender and school stage category). Descriptive approach used. A random sample of (195) students of both sexes was selected; where (116) are males, and (79) are females. An observation card was prepared to assess the goals of the reading challenge project were rated by supervising teachers, and the card consisted of (17) items distributed into three main fields: comprehension and expression; self-learning, critical and creative thinking; and general culture promotion. The results of the study: The degree of the reading challenge project has achieved its objectives among students, as estimated by the supervising teachers, is at (75.6%), which is good. The fields of the card arranged as; comprehension and expression at (77.6%), general culture promotion at (75.4%), and finally, self-learning, critical and creative thinking with a relative weight (73.6%). There are statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) between scores of males and scores of females on the fields of the observation card and the total scores of the card, in favor of females. While there are no statistically significant differences in all fields and the total scores of the observation card according to the school stage category of the sample. (Published Abstract)