صیغ مقترحة لتفعیل جهود الجامعات المصریة في نشر ثقافة السلام لدى طلابها : جامعة قناة السویس نموذجا


The study aimed to present some of the proposed formulas to activate the efforts of the Egyptian universities in supporting the building and dissemination of a culture of peace among their students. To achieve this, the study followed the method of case study as one of the descriptive analytical methods to identify the efforts exerted at Suez Canal University in spreading the culture of peace as a model of Egyptian universities. The field study resulted in the interest of the faculties of Suez Canal University to treatment the problems and issues of the environment in general, and the dissemination of a culture of peace and development of cultural and development awareness in particular, except this efforts need to be strengthened and supported by the university administration and faculty members, the postgraduate and research sector, and the sector of community service and environmental development. In light of these results, the study presented three proposed formulas to support the efforts of the Egyptian universities in building peace and spreading its culture for Youth Egyptian university students. (Published abstract)